Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mod 2

1- In these chapters we learned a lot about personalities. Including things such as different personality disorders, and  reasons and the processes of an individual changing. One of my favorite things within this assignment was the chart in chapter one that was helping to set goals for yourself to change some aspect of your life. I wasn't aware of the different types of anxiety disorders or the different "symptoms" that can come along with those disorders. Reading about those really helped me to better understand what it is that a loved one of mine goes through.

questions from part 2

To quiet my mind when I am feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious I usually just take a break from whatever I am currently doing and try to focus on a different task for a while. If doing a different task doesn't help any, I do something that I find relaxing, such as going for a walk or a bike ride or taking a relaxing bath. Usually distracting my mind with something else for a little while will help me to relax.

I have tried a few of these methods from time to time, and they do often help me.

2- When it comes to my participation in this module, I will admit that I was rather lazy. I was sick in the beginning of the module which lead to me to falling behind the first week and missing the deadline to post a discussion question. I know now that I need to pay more attention to the start date of modules to ensure that I do not miss anymore due dates.

Transtheoretical model of behavior change- I thought this concept was very interesting because I like the idea that change is a process and not something that happens in one action. Many people when discussing the change of another person talk about it as if it were one thing that changed the individual rather than a group of things all adding up to a change overtime.

Altruism- I was unaware that their was a word for this. I also never really considered the internal things you get out of helping others, such as the increase of self-esteem. It also made me think that I believe that may be the reason I like helping individuals so much, without even knowing it.

Phobia- I was not aware that in order to be defined as a phobia that it must not actually be of danger. I was under the impression that anything you were afraid of could classify as one. That was very interesting to find out.

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